I guess you could say my 'working' career started in Walsh, Colorado on a 4500 acre farm. My Mom had re-married and we moved up there the middle of my 7th grade year. I had enjoyed a pretty carefree childhood up until that point! Working the land and cattle was no joke but it taught me a lot about work ethic and responsibility.
I eventually moved on to radio when I was in junior college. I honestly thought that's where I would stay but by the end of 2000 I had had enough. An ownership change at KRPT in Anadarko, Oklahoma had led to me hating my job and needing to move on to something different.
So, since I was in junior high I've worked.
The only exception was the month and a half between leaving my job at KRPT and finding my job at Chickasha Chiropractic Clinic in February 2001.
Until now.
Today was my first day of unemployment. Thursday, February 28th, 2013 was my last day of employment at Chickasha Chiropractic Clinic. A bittersweet day for sure but one that I'm glad is finally over with. It took us a long time to get to that day and I'm glad to finally have it behind us.
I clearly remember pulling into the parking lot at the clinic to fill out an application. It was my sister's birthday, January 18th, 2001. I was running late as usual (I know you all find that very hard to believe). I was going to meet Holly and my Aunt Cathy for a birthday lunch. I remember seeing 'chiropractic' on the front door and I got a little nervous. I'd never been to a chiropractor and never really had a desire to go to a chiropractor but I really needed to get back to work and figured this would at least be a start.
On that day back in 2001, I never would have imagined it would lead to a 12 year career. Now I can't imagine my life without chiropractic! I have seen some things in that office that some would never believe! My faith in chiropractic is strong and that will never change. I've seen too many miracles to be convinced otherwise!
I also would have never imagined the true gifts I would receive in knowing and becoming friends with Bonny and Dr. Logsdon. I liked them both instantly!
Bonny has turned out to be my best friend. She is the type of friend that defines the word friend. No matter how big or small the crisis is, she is there.
When my Nana passed away, the first person I saw step out of my house upon returning home from the hospital was Bonny.
She is also there to celebrate the good times! Birthdays, weddings, showers, etc! She makes a mean punch and is happy to bring it to any celebration!
Dr. Logsdon has also been a blessing to me over the past 12 years. She is one of the most kind, caring, compassionate people I have ever known. If she could treat patients for free and somehow still make a living she would do it in a heartbeat. She never asks about how much a patient owes or has paid on their account. She honestly only cares about getting sick people well! When my step-father passed away, we were in Colorado for a week. Dr. Logsdon actually came to my house and CLEANED IT!! Now how many bosses do you know that would do that for an employee?
These two ladies have been a blessing to me and my family and I will forever be grateful to them both. I know we will always remain friends even if we don't work together anymore!
So now on to the business of getting our 5th wheel ready to hit the road. I know I am so blessed to be able to leave my job and go on the road with Danny. He works so hard to provide for me and our family! If I've said it once, I've said it a 1000 times, he's truly the best thing that ever happened to me!
I hope to document our adventures here on the blog so stay tuned!